the next bigger and bigger case

Arashiyama District, Rizhao City, Xu Taiwan since 2005 more than 30 people gathered at the junction of Shandong Province and Jiangsu Province crazy illegal mining of sea sand. In their illegal mining also contact other sand mining, Jiangsu Province, Rizhao offshore illegal mining of sand to collect "protection money" to each vessel to illegal mining of sand for their illegal mining of sand "escort." Xu Taiwan in order to "ensure" that they can safely illegal mining of sand, long-term, many times more than the National Oceanic and Fishery Bureau staff bribery.

To September 2010 was arrested, Xu Taiwan in more than five years time, by illegal mining of sand from an ordinary farmer became a multimillionaire. However, he did not expect their illegal mining of sand behavior can bribe to cover up, but concealed from the masses around a sharp eyes of both. In the next report masses to 30 people, led by Xu Taiwan illegal mining of sand gang was recently caught.

Crazy illegal mining of sand grievances cited

Rizhao City, 99.6 kilometers of coastline, coastal high-quality beach 64 km long coastline, abundant sand resources. However, in recent years, the coastal waters of Rizhao City, some criminals for their own benefit, at the destruction of the natural environment of coastal sand illegal poaching, destruction of the environment to the surrounding coastal fishing village of farmers caused great losses. Therefore, the masses of the illegal mining of sand surrounding the behavior of very angry, repeatedly reflected to the relevant departments to crack down on illegal mining of sand requires behavior.

It broke into the breeding areas, farming areas of grass nets officer Wang Village, other aquaculture facilities grass Lanshantou street officer Han Ming Wang Village, the summer of 2010, Xu Taiwan Pirates sand grass Wang village officials had to steal sand and sea aquatic products have been severely damaged, with heavy losses. The farmers are aware Xu Taiwan this man strong, so fishermen have been silent resentment, the loss has not been compensated.

"Last summer in this place, because of their illegal mining of sand, offshore seabed formed some pit, and some people do not understand the situation come to play, when a person can swim offshore outlying some, accidentally hit the big pit at the reverse currents directly drowned, go search for the bodies of another one uncle because of the submarine does not understand the situation, not only did the bodies pulled out, but also take into it himself, which is two lives! "San Yang Road resident Wang Zhidong said bitterly.

Report illegal mining vessel seized by

Several people around the Ocean and Fishery Bureau Report illegal mining of sand behavior is ignored, they feel that there are tricky. So continuous reporting to multiple departments and questioned Ocean and Fishery Bureau of the matter indifferent. Xu Taiwan in their own "business" bigger and Shun, the next bigger and bigger case, they feel that they have been able to hoodwink the public, and often show off to others, "Xu Taiwan clash without my thing", also open to show off their car trunk, said: "Look, here were always ready to respond to emergencies smoke good wine." Xu station so furious he was not thought that their crimes brought to light accelerated carried away. Xu Taiwan steal people around the sand and the usual arrogance reflected to a number of sectors. August 2010, Arashiyama District Politics and Law Committee coordination and command public prosecution departments, France and other linkage, began a secret investigation of the case to steal sand.

After confirming that there Xu Taiwan steal sand behavior, the police began deploying Arashiyama related suspects arrested. September 6, 2010 morning, police in the west of the coastal waters of the harbor Arashiyama are stealing sand "thriving One" Pirates of the sand seized, and Chen Xi family, Zhangfeng Feng, Wang Yao and Zhuang 12 "sand rat" captured. The evening of 8 September 2010,, in the Arashiyama district towns will be public sector Lu, Lu sector sound, Lu Shan captured in Jiangsu will be arrested Xu units. Pirates of the sand and then the other one, "Push One" (aka " machine One") seized Xu station. So far, key members of the gang to steal sand units headed by Xu was arrested, the case was cracked.

Criminals equipped, clear division of labor

Pirates of the sand loaded on satellite navigation

In the case under review, the prosecutor handling the case Arashiyama District Prosecutor's learned from early 2006 to September 2010, Xu Taiwan and Jiangsu Province, Zhang Wen Gong et al partnership to buy sand mining ship, offshore and other waters frequently in Arashiyama potential illegal sea sand, the Theft of sand to sell to Shandong, Jiangsu and other places.

Public sector hiring Lu Xu Taiwan to Shandong, Jiangsu sell sand volume side location, billing, hiring Lu sector sound, Lu Shan for stealing sand in the sea vessels Arashiyama sentry, buy much-needed spare parts on board the ship and deliver daily spending money , hiring Yao Zhuang in the "Push One" sand mining ship onboard the number of records, daily expenses accounting, worker attendance and so on. Zhangfeng Feng Zhang Wen Gong hired as "thriving One," the captain is responsible for vessel operators to employ the number of records Chen Xi family onboard sand mining, daily expenses accounting, worker attendance and so on. Since May 11, 2010 to August 3, 2010, Xu and Zhang Wen TAIEX power it purchased two ships together with sand mining Yancheng, Jiangsu and other places of collusion, illegal mining of sand in the sunshine offshore total more than 247,900 cubic meters, the price of 24 yuan / square calculations, less than three months in this short time, the illegal mining of sand, we sold nearly 600 million. According to Xu Taiwan ship seized in the books, from 2008 to September 2010, in which less than two years, Xu Taiwan illegal mining of sand, we sold more than 1350 yuan.

Beginning in 2006, Xu illegal mining of sand in his desk, it is also employed to win over Jiangsu Sunshine Sea Sand Pirates Pirates of the sand. Sand Pirates hired Xu station to give some commission, all profits from all owned their own; draw to the Pirates of the sand is a signed agreement with them, Xu sets these illegal mining of sand and sea vessels to provide time for illegal mining and to ensure their safety , 600 yuan to 2,,000 yuan per month "protection fees" charged per ship. By these two, in 2006 a year, Xu station on the illegal profits of nearly 50 million.

The Pirates of the sand inside the criminal gangs that everyone has a clear division of labor, Xu Taiwan is mainly responsible for the "Command and Control", by contacting the Ocean and Fishery Bureau personnel, access to patrol the waters and inspections recent times, then arrange Pirates of the sand can be avoided in Pirates came open when inspections sand, in the event of emergencies, Xu station will immediately contact the relevant staff of Ocean and Fishery Bureau, or even bankruptcy as soon as possible "settle." Two boat captain is listening to Xu Taiwan's command, to the designated location at a specified time to steal the sand.

Two Pirates of the sand were installed more than 10 sand mining machine, a sand mining machine is equipped with a staff,, starting in all potential illegal sand mining machine when, three hours can be full of boats. The boat is equipped with a sophisticated satellite navigation system, guided by this device as soon as Pirates of both sand to the specified waters after obtaining Ocean and Fishery Bureau patrol officers inspect the message, but also can effectively avoid inspections.

■ uplifting

Farmers no longer be harassed

Arashiyama area waters illegal mining of sand behavior has been for many years, the surrounding masses suffer. Accustomed to swimming in the sea to cool off in the summer people, in order to ensure safety, but go to the beach only a few trips to the shore, the surrounding aquaculture farmers even more miserable, because of illegal mining of sand destroys the seabed topography and marine environment , aquatic products breeding decreased significantly. Coupled with the Pirates sand occasionally broke into farming areas, farmers wait until the morning of fishing nets and other aquaculture facilities found stolen sand damage, illegal mining of sand boat had fled, the loss of farmers to fend for themselves, "pay", the people around are very hate these "sand rat", but Xu Taiwan, who was taken in the mercy, they are silent resentment.

"'Sand rat' has finally been caught, we are no longer subject to these farmers finally harassment. They pumped sand in the waters surrounding our farming areas, our culture zones sand at low tide when the water will go along with the sea, aquatic products will suffer. now not only put these 'sand rat' to nest side, and also to catch the bad guys to protect them, and the satisfaction of everyone ah! "Wang Zi village Luxing Ren said.

"That night at midnight I heard a lot of noises outside the house,, the next day I heard that 'sand rat' was arrested, we now feel Jiehen, arrested in relation to these people, so again the scourge of the sea. Seaside this They ruined a few years have been horrendous, and in the summer I did not dare let the children into the sea to bathe, I though waterborne good, but also for several years not to swim next to the coast, and maybe not far from where the seabed which is a pit! "Holy Lan Road residents Huangan Jiang said. (On the prosecution request, the paper involved a pseudonym) edition text / Chart reporter Zhuang Kuailiang

Arashiyama District Prosecutor's Office in the investigation and trial of the case during the visits, file for investigation, in one fell swoop find Rizhao City Ocean and Fishery Bureau of seven staff members involved. As the national regulatory authorities of marine resources staff, sunshine maritime surveillance detachment Ma Jinsheng 7 people not only do not strictly fulfill their duties, but accepting bribes Xu Taiwan to inspect and patrol the waters of time available to Xu Taiwan, for illegal mining of sand "escort escort "; masses Xu Taiwan crime and illegal mining of sand on weekdays arrogant words and deeds of complaint letters actually been pressed Zhu Vice Captains Hill Road home.

Behind the city of Ocean and Fishery Bureau of seven people bribery

After Xu Taiwan, who was arrested, Arashiyama District Prosecutor Attorney Gao Qing judgment based on experience, the gang crime and able to escape the long continuous maritime surveillance patrol officers checked, might be behind someone tipped off. So the hospital investigation and supervision department sent investigators early intervention,, guide the public security organs investigation and evidence collection, according to the law Xu Taiwan and other seven suspects from fast to approve the arrest. November 30, 2010, the prosecutor handling the case and the suspect Xu Taiwan, Chen Xi family, Zhangfeng Feng, Wang Yao Zhuang Lu public sector, Lu sector sound, Lu Shan, seven people were interrogated separately. 7 involved truthfully confessed his own to Rizhao City Ocean and Fishery Bureau over the national staff of bribery facts of the crime, law enforcement officers confirmed the individual Ocean and Fishery Bureau after accepting bribes, illegal mining of sand acts as an umbrella act behind the scenes , to steal sand suspects tipped off to help evade investigation.

Arashiyama District Prosecutor's Office in obtaining the relevant bribery human evidence, City Procuratorate Gong Shengchang Attorney instructed to fully support Arashiyama District Prosecutor's Office investigated the case, and to give full assistance. At 7:00 on December 7, 2010, Arashiyama District Prosecutor's Office investigators grasp of the evidence, go to Rizhao City Ocean and Fishery Bureau suspects China Marine Surveillance detachment Ma Jinsheng Rizhao City, Rizhao City, China Marine Surveillance Detachment Vice Captains Sheng Teng , in industry Teng Rizhao City Management Office Deputy Director fishery supervision, Rizhao City, China Marine Surveillance Detachment enforcement chief Lee to a full four arrested. December 14, 2010, Arashiyama District Prosecutor's Office based on available clues, in turn, Rizhao, China Marine Surveillance Detachment Vice Captains Hill, Zhu Tao, sunshine and Fishing Harbor Supervision of the VMS member Xu Yang hundred, Rizhao City, supervision and management of the fishery fishery Safety Section Chief Secretary Lin Shan trio arrested. After investigation identified seven people taking advantage of his position, abuse of power, as Xu Taiwan, who tipped off the illegal mining of sand behavior, helping them to evade investigation, and accepting bribes of nearly 200 million.

Absurd complaint letters are hidden Vice Captains home

In the course of the investigation, prosecutors found Arashiyama District Prosecutor's Office, Arashiyama district Lanshantou street sweet Kawamura has been illegal mining of sand, and to seek illegitimate interests, told Ma Jinsheng, multi-Sheng Teng Lin Secretary Hill,, Lee to etc. bribery over 10 million people, a huge amount, suspected to constitute the crime of bribery. December 16, 2010, Pangfen Peng has also been summoned Arashiyama District Procuratorate and the next day was the law under criminal detention.

Time and place of Rizhao City Ocean and Fishery Bureau seven staff in Taiwan after Xu bribery charge, not only will they have to tell in advance of inspections at sea Xu station, a staff member even distribution of sand resources available to the Rizhao City Xu units, Help them find the location of the resource-rich sand to facilitate their illegal mining of sand.

The other thing was absurd to let the investigators is that when arrested Rizhao City China Marine Surveillance Detachment Vice Captains Zhu Shan Road, conducted a search of his home, turned and found the people to Arashiyama District, Rizhao City Ocean and Fishery Bureau Marine Surveillance Detachment reflect Xu Taiwan , who usually arrogant illegal mining of sand and the performance of complaint letters, the letter stated Xu Taiwan not only the behavior of the illegal mining of sand along with Xu illegal mining of sand boat station together with Jiangsu photos, but also about the arrogance of Xu station on weekdays. This complaint letters actually fell accepting bribes Xu station, acting as an umbrella tipped off the hands of their Zhu Shan Road.

Difficult to find the relationship between the various aspects of handling interference

Xu Taiwan relationships behind very complex. Xu Taiwan, who transferred from illegal mining of sand to Arashiyama District Prosecutor's case, many people would find the prosecutor handling the case, such as friends or relatives through a variety of relationships, to intercede on behalf of Xu Taiwan. After Rizhao City Ocean and Fishery Bureau seven national staff involved in the arrest, more and more people come to intercede, both "sugar-coated bullets" of promise, but also prophecy intimidation,, so that the prosecutor "to think more for themselves." Arashiyama District Prosecutor's prosecutors under a lot of pressure in handling cases.

According to Chen prosecutors involved in handling the case of the series introduced himself involved in this case from the beginning, "hello" who had gone off. Students have come through their own "hello", as well as by relatives of beating around the bush. There is a even "moved" his father child claim kinship, want to give a person involved intercede. "Not only me, my wife is also the case under a lot of pressure. As more and more people to intercede, she also feel that this is an unusual case, she was afraid that if I ignore these people, the future They will get back at me. "Chan prosecutors said.

Arashiyama District Prosecutor's Office investigators from the Attorney General to specific prosecutors who resisted all these pressures, to improve work efficiency, identify the facts of the case under the premise conclusion of the investigation as soon as possible. Currently, the series Woan have all concluded its investigation, examination and prosecution, waiting for the suspects will be severely punished by law.

■ Analysis

Why rampant illegal mining of sand?

According Arashiyama District Prosecutor's Lands Branch Wangke introduction, illegal mining of sand severely damaged the fish spawning, incubation sites, direct damage to the marine fishery resources. Illegal mining of sand pit still undersea formation, changing the water flow, causing coastal erosion, geology and geomorphology of the seabed and the marine environment also caused damage, serious damage to the topography Arashiyama coastline, making all kinds of Arashiyama district in recent years, the construction of the pier , moisture embankment under serious threat.

The reason a windfall driven

According Wangke analysis, the reason of repeated illegal poaching sand first is driven by profits. In recent years, expanding domestic construction projects, the demand for sand is also growing. Sea sand due to less Jiangsu Province resources to combat intensified, sand prices have been high, driven by the huge economic interests, those who take the risk of illegal sand mining. Xu Taiwan as potential illegal once a ship will be able to profit more than ten thousand yuan, two Pirates of the sand month to stealing 20 times.

Cause 2 supervision

Followed by the regulatory authorities in cahoots with their staff, to act as potential illegal acts sand behind the umbrella. Here HaiJian dispatched a patrol team, Sand Pirates ship owner can receive messages, and for inspections to understand the crystal clear waters. So "safe and secure" to illegal mining, so sit back and relax while gangs stealing sand, but also contributed to their arrogance.

Reason 3-organized

Then there are the Pirates of the sand-organized gangs, bribed staff after the relevant law enforcement agencies, but also ordered someone in sea area near the shore for mining lookout, once found traces of patrol officers will respond immediately, able to run and run, if not escape being investigated, staff will quickly land on the "above" response, "above" and then dredge through their connections, thus "or even bankruptcy."

Cause 4 junction region

Finally is the geographical reasons. Arashiyama District,, Rizhao City in Shandong, Jiangsu provinces border, cross-administrative privileges, the illegal sand mining discovers enforcement vessels, slightly south on a run into the sea, Jiangsu Province, it is easier to avoid combat. Meanwhile Lianyungang and Rizhao City road near, and from low-cost, plus sand sandy sunshine waters, and easy exploitation. (On the prosecution request, the paper involved a pseudonym)

Edition text / Chart reporter Zhuangkuai Liang (except signature)