Original title

Because their parents forced, unwilling to return home New Year, but his influence starting from Oceania,parajumper jakke norge parajumpers outlet, east across the Pacific Ocean, to the west across the Indian Ocean, causing tens of thousands of Chinese young people of marriageable age discussion.

Online countless youth,nike air max noir et blanc femme air max noire, said: "I am Peng!"


I will not go home again forced

Approaching the year, a man named "Peng" young men fire.

He did not sing all familiar pop songs, can not tell what is legend. He even complete names are not.

But his influence starting from Oceania, east across the Pacific Ocean, to the west across the Indian Ocean, causing tens of thousands of Chinese young people of marriageable age discussion. Online countless youth, said: "I am Peng!"

"Peng" appears in the "Melbourne Daily" on the front page of a recent period. In addition to the header, the entire layout with only one extra-large font printed "book for children," the full text of 51 characters.

"Peng: playing a lot of times you do not pick the phone, maybe here to let you see the parents never forced you to get married, this year it home for the holiday love you mom.!."

Before I saw the front page of that newspaper, Beijing's Ding Cong standing ticket outlets window line, ticket take home.

Team played several bends, has been discharged from the sidewalk side of the road. The 28-year-old boy when nibbling biscuits loin lunch, in the cold wind shrink the shrink neck, pulled out a cell phone brush microblogging. "Just draw a couple of thumb, they saw that picture."

Ding Cong points to open the map, zoom in, read three or four times, and read five six hundred comments,http://e-learning.tsu.ge/login/index.php?item/create_form/1,foto abercrombie milano abercrombie cheap, then remembered his hand had been blown cold fried loin half.

"Who cares 'Peng' Yes, I understand him, to understand his mother!" Ding Cong said. He turned off the micro-blog, staring at the front and his colleagues in the same single back of the head was blown chaos, "I feel especially sad!"

From 10 years ago, the university began to Beijing, Ding Cong 20 times less experienced journey home. But this year, he felt "the atmosphere is not right."

The first is his father's comrades were marched sister, mother,hollister sale 2013 uk hollister online outlet, classmates, colleagues as well as the office aunt, with more than a dozen pro-back, all failed. While on the phone, the tone of the parents, but also more and more impatient. Almost every attend a colleague, a neighbor child's wedding, you have to talk over with him once.

After the Spring Festival train ticket grab, he was pleased to call his father. As a result, the father immediately lead to the topic of his recent failures that blind date, and warned him: "28-year-old is not married, 29-year-old in trouble, 30-year-old completely nobody wanted!"

"Marry within a year or two is not realistic ah ......" just participated in the research work near his carefully argued, "that you just do not go home!" Father growled something, and then the phone cut off. In his memory, this is the first time his father threw his phone.

"I'm afraid the first time home for the holiday, I can imagine what I will face is." Ding Cong said that he knew,http://0736cc.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the mother of the most adept Youpo face waiting for him, throwing socks everywhere can "automatically" wash clean life waiting for him, however, a bunch of "get married" question is also waiting for him.

In Liu Yue Ran view, "Peng" hide not without reason. See the photograph on the front page, when the 27-year-old Canton female reporters have been sitting in front of the computer all morning. Brush aside the news, while the brush on the screen instantly displays "no vote" site, waiting for the ticket gate trips home.

The letters "give children the book" The title is only captured the attention of a female reporter: "Chinese Mother", "front page", "forced" ......

Even particularly homesick, recognizing the "Peng",http://www.matsue-yado.com/otoku/clip.cgi, she still flashed a hint "Otherwise not back," the idea.

In fact,http://image.letuijian.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1087410&extra=, two years ago, with the "post-85" and several of her cousins ​​have entered "marriageable age", "he finds it?" "Shashi bring back the New Year?" "Gnaw at for so long not knot? "became the new theme Liu Yueh then New Year's grandmother.

"I fear to accompany my mother stopping by relatives, many children are whining cousin cousin and walked up, I could not even married yet shadow it!" Liu Yue Ran said relatives will want to ask the mother looked embarrassed ended .

Not just the New Year, even in daily through the phone, Liu Yue Ran's mother also inadvertently talking about,tn requin eu nike tn enfant, see a cute little baby, unfortunately it was passersby, sorry Qubao.

"You can give mom create a chance?" Mother Douzhaoquanzai asked. "No!" Initially, she was able to categorically answer. The approaching New Year, mother to a friend's grandchildren sent some money to go more and more, almost every phone has the last word: "You Shashi Hou hurry to get married have children?!"

This allows Liu Yueh then completely shut up. She wanted a few words directed at the mother shouted his life and values, like love of rock music as "screaming", but she immediately felt that it was not the phone, speak clearly, and even may never say.

So, when Liu Yueh then saw that letter appears in the Southern Hemisphere's full-page letter, my heart still a little envious. She did not dare to hide the phone does not meet his mother,http://www.365kl.net/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, but could not let his mother no longer forced.

"Re forced to really faint." Chengdu female blue collar quarter while pretending to listen to her manager's "end summary", while under the table and handed the phone sitting next to a female colleague.

It sent "Peng" that letter home on the phone screen, two young unmarried girl almost laugh.

Last year, out of respect for his father,basket air jordan pour fille basket air jordan homme, Ji Early in the Green worked in the boyfriend back home "comments." A year after that fight, she constantly over sixty father suggested the boy should go to his family far away in the south of the north, the phone is always talking about "these things would settle the matter."

"This killing would not let him back!" Green season literally cried, "it's horrible!" This couple has been together for a small study in Europe, in their view, "meet the parents agreed to settle down to spend a lifetime." They are the traditional concept and "Marriage View" is totally different. Spring Festival this year, they will be a good ticket, decided to "back home, and find your father and mother", with "cryotherapy" to deal with the brain has been hovering parents long marriage.

"Decided to get married, two people understanding the most important." Ji Qing said, "We refuse to be a victim of his own parents love under preferences."

Luo Han seems,destockage louboutin escarpins style louboutin, his love soon "sacrifice" the.

See the photograph of the "Peng Peng mother calling home for the holiday," the front page when the 29-year-old man sitting alone in the lounge in full, while the hearts of sorrow and grief.

Because of work, he ran around the world all year round. Can no matter how busy, "New Year back home," he gave his "iron law." However, the same as family relationships, he and a "Just Not That" is about a girl into marriage.

Years ago, the girl's grandfather died, he went to his girlfriend home. There, more than seven cross-cousin aunt asked him about the "marriage."

"How do you want?" Luo Han asked his girlfriend's grandmother.

He will never forget that scene, white-haired old lady slowly turned to him, looked straight into his eyes, almost teeth, emaciated body exhausted all efforts Flaring words: "big way ! "

Luo Han Dai Li for several seconds, he knew "a big way" means a long convoy, noisy banquet and countless strangers greeting sent, "the bridegroom and the bride toss was exhausted, both to others to see. "

And his ideal of "ceremony" was originally belongs to two people. He has even optimistic about double the global ticket from Beijing, eastward along the equator, after Tokyo, Hawaii,air jordan 8 jordan pas chere,http://lee-lee-lewis.com/index.cgi, Rio de Janeiro, and finally back to the Eurasian continent. "But I'm afraid no one to share with me in my heart that something romantic."

Before leaving, the old man said to him, grandpa is gone, according to the old rules, the couple's marriage had knots within 100 days. This covered trendy brand, wearing the most fashionable sunglasses that says "go to hell" (hell) boys nodded on T-shirts mind. Relatives followed and asked: "What time to have children?" "Soon," he replied. Then he said to himself in his heart: "I do not know what the fuck."

In the United States pursue a Ph.D. in Chinese students to write papers intermittent Ursula, a sight met, "Peng", immediately give birth to agree. "We spent a long time abroad, freedom accustomed Moreover, sometimes not what you want to be able to knot knot." This is almost full 28-year-old "female engineer" more than two years before the end of the 10-year courtship, still single.

And after 29 years of practicing law in Germany Hobe Chinese girl friend looked forwarded to the post, that "Peng" play practice disappear too naive. "I am self-sufficient, no marriage. Zuidou right before my mom did two years, and now do not say." She was not afraid to go home, but also not afraid to take a call from the country because "insisted enough, Who no use. "

working in Italy returned home from northeastern Europe, on the Internet to see everyone, "Peng" the letter. The home, 28-year-old the first time he was forced to accept a blind date arranged parents. "Fortunately now, as if each were to go back, I guess we have to hide."

In Melbourne local, initially nobody expected, "Peng" will fire.

Priscilla has lived in Melbourne for 10 years, and now, in the real estate business, he is one of the advertisers' Melbourne Daily ". After that period, "an unusual front page" published, the first Chinese Youth Melbourne boil.

"Everyone in the picture is forwarded, asking 'Peng' Who is that my younger employees are discussing." Priscilla said, this short 51 characters, use the "forced marriage" and "Spring," the young and the old Chinese tradition Full write conflicts break out.

According to Priscilla's introduction, "Mexican newspaper" ranking in the local Chinese media in front had not called daily, weekly indeed. But by "Peng" and "wings", it flew in front of Chinese people.

After opening several domestic portals, and see the amazing amount on the microblogging forwarding, Priscilla and business partners to discuss the next quarter advertising whole cast "Mexican newspaper."

Available now, and nobody found "Peng." Editing also declined,http://chaos-file.jp/bbs2/bbs.cgi,hogan rebel kids offerte hogan donna, to this letter is a plan,mercurial vapor rouge chaussure de foo, or hope there who are worried about the child's mother to go home.

Not long ago, a network name "Chen flower," the girl drew a group of comics. In the comics, she claimed every New Year, went from good youth, into a "youth."

Because "Chinese-style single and happiness is so cruel, is to have a house there is a car tickets have a son," and she "is nothing of the dead A house." Faced flaunt rank and income students, and the face of the child's father and mother to marry a reminder, eager to go home to become a tangle.

"Touch the cup together, are the voice of Broken Dreams." Chen through comics flower little girl with emotion,nike capri 2 Nike Free Pas Cher, "the New Year to me, is again forced into a kind of old-fashioned and decadent system of value judgment, shame . "

In the "Peng" came out shortly after, there are users save a "home for Spring Festival Raiders." Including "loaded hear", "change the subject",scarpe hogan online hogan maschili, "shameless commitment", etc., and even "rent lovers home."

On the watercress for three years' rent boyfriend "small business Hung opinion, this is the" market call "real" serve the people. " He accompanied the five or six girls in the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, eleven returned home from character customization to the topic of preparation, have been "very professional." He understands the pressure of those girls, that "although this is deception, but also filial piety." Today, he is busy, but come Shihai the business to a friend, earn a commission.

Ding Cong think that those acts "rent boyfriend girlfriend" is pure nonsense. He is more willing to express filial piety in other ways. For example, give parents some financing the economy, as well as when they are nagging, patiently listening.

A few days ago, Luo Han decided like "Peng", as the Chinese New Year had an easy time being the "marriage", "children", "dinner" are down.

He opened the book a ticket website, head there have been their favorite ski and diving bay. His hand on the mouse, move to represent freedom destination.

May at that moment, he saw a familiar names in the list of "Common Destination". That was his place to grow for 18 years, there were no mountains, no oceans, only more concentrated haze and endless nagging mother.

Finally, he hesitated for several days, smoked a whole pack of cigarettes, then in less than a second,http://xiaocounty.com/thread-1067134-1-1.html, the overthrow of this all, forced to live a point that names.

(Original title: I will not go home again forced)