For accounts identified non-biological son

(Reporter Chen Po) raising a 10-year son sought up not his real daughter, Liu Miyun residents in difficult to accept this reality, then sued his ex-wife divorced son Zhang Ping claims alimony and mental damages 10 million yuan. Recently, the Miyun court verdicts, judgments Ping self raising her son,, while compensation for the loss of nearly 60,,000 yuan Liu.

When the couple divorced children to the man

Case materials show that in 1998, Liu Ping woman in love with the field. The following year, two weddings, but Ping had not yet reached the legal age for marriage, and therefore can not get a marriage license.

Married four months, was born the son Leilei. 2005, two replacement marriage certificate. After only two months, the two have agreed to a divorce, custody agreement Leilei by Liu Hua,hogan rebel outlet, Zhang Ping 200 yuan per month alimony payments, and share the burden of education costs Leilei and medical expenses.

For accounts identified non-biological son

Liu claimed that he alone in raising Leilei, 2010, the son has not declare account has reached school age are not in school. Leilei is illegitimate because police responses,hogan uomo outlet,, the report must provide a paternity test to handle accounts.

Commissioned by the police, he took his son to do a paternity test. Identification results for "Liu is not the biological father Leilei." Liu believes that his upbringing Leilei 10 years, this results not only to their own property damage,chaussures louboutin pas cher, but caused great mental harm. So sue Zhang Ping, request by raising Leilei, and compensate him up Leilei costs 80,000 yuan, 20,000 yuan in emotional and 3600 yuan appraisal fee.

Discuss the man was in emotional support

Trial,, Zhang Ping said that the identification results before, she always thought she and Liu child is now the identification results came out, raising her son and she agreed to pay the appraisal fee,woolrich prezzi, but their economic difficulties, not compensation for the losses.

Miyun court that, in the absence of information, bringing together Leilei Liu and Zhang Ping, divorce, custody and later alone, paid the financial and material resources,, Zhang Ping should be compensated. Liu and Leilei years of living with father-son relationship, mutual affection has been generated, not after that Leilei son, Liu indeed be great harm. So the decision by Zhang Ping raising Leilei,woolrich outlet, Zhang Ping,Chaussure Louboutin, Liu compensation for emotional distress, identified the loss of nearly 60,000 yuan fees.

After the verdict, the two sides were not appealed.

(Text characters are not his real name)

■ Interrupted

They can identify the anonymous 1600 yuan

Beijing currently has a number of agencies to do a paternity test. Reporters yesterday asked a number of paternity testing agency,, several agencies identified the same price,louboutin chaussures femme, according to the head are counted,louboutin, usually 800 yuan a person.

Beijing Auspicious broad paternity testing center staff said that the current widespread use of hair, blood or oral mucosa to do DNA identification. 99.999% accuracy rate. "Hair uprooted need fifty-six Blood,peuterey outlet milano, then, to drop in on a clean gauze, about four or five drops,,hogan, or can also be used for medical cotton swab in the mouth, around the scraping one, then scrape a mix." The staff said, for those who can not personally come and do object identification,, which can be brought to the same. About a week can be the result.

The staff said,nike tn pas cher, more personal commission business. The last two years,christian louboutin soldes, the business has increased, but the increase is not great. "Before, institutions would indicate that a paternity test, but those parents with children over fear will hurt the feelings of the child, it is recommended not to states that institutions now write the test center." Customers agency staff will not ask too much private information.

Another agency, Beijing Hua Rui generous Judicial Evidence Identification Center staff said that if the need to produce forensic books, both sides need to be identified to carry identity cards to come, no monitoring. If the book does not require forensic can be anonymous testing. Newspaper reporter Jane Lim-Ah