To verify Hui

Our reporter Zhao Yunlong

Because of illegal cash can help people earn high "fees",louboutin, the man Zhang Hui hire seven employees,peuterey outlet, bought 29 sets of POS machines,piumini moncler, the name of "financial advice" as a front, set up a POS machines to help people with illegal credit card cash gang.

To avoid the police found the car at the roadside and more members of the group to help people cash. Since 2009,, the gang daily cash amount ranging from four or five million, as many as ten million,woolrich italia, the total amount of cash in three years, up nearly billion. To encourage employees to more "connected living",louboutin pas cher femme, Zhang returned to the cash amount paid staff and more high-end awards. July 23, Zhang and his seven employees were arrested Lixia police.


Roadside car to help people use POS machines cash

"It was seen sitting in the car of two people acting very suspicious ......" July 23 at 5 pm, Lixia Public Security Bureau police station Qianfoshan routine patrol,moncler, patrol near the road to through eleven, the police found the road side parked cars, two people in the car look abnormal,, "during what seemed transaction." Subsequently, the police checked his vehicle on the spot out of the car and found the four POS machines.

Police bring them back to the police station for investigation. At the trial, the four sets of POS machines holders Huang Sen quick to admit that he did for others in the use of POS machines illegal cash. Huang Sen also told police that he was a special man gang POS machine cash services provided in the "manager", members of the group never help people cash in fixed locations,, but through the phone and the "customer" agreed location,hogan outlet sito ufficiale,, and then on the road side of the car to complete the transaction. 23 afternoon, he and a "customer" agreement in the car for cash 20,000 yuan.


POS machine cash gang hideout residential buildings

According to Huang Sen's testimony, the 23 evening, the police went to the cash office locations --- gang flyover zone a residential area, in a rental house the remaining seven of the gang members arrested all. According to the police description, was arrested, the gang's "boss" Hui also had complained about his "point back", adding that he can not easily come once the office, "I did not expect this one to be arrested."

It is understood that the man Jinan Hui 37 years old, normally no fixed occupation. "In addition to helping people brush cash, he also worked as usury, companies and other agents to help people 'business'." Police told reporters, because the gang of "customer" can charge high fees when you cash in, Zhang felt this business. " to the money the fastest, "Huang Sen has hired seven employees,, began in 2009 a long-term dry hired POS machines to help people cash in intrigue.


Cash in the amount of more employees could be the year award

"Because of fear of the police to combat, they make more use of mobile POS machines, cash to help people in the street car." Du Wei, deputy director of the police station Qianfoshan told reporters that 23 evening, the police confiscated on the spot in the gang's "office" 29 sets of POS machines,louboutin, of which there are 15 sets of handheld mobile POS machines, holding these handheld mobile POS, members of the group can help "customers" anytime, anywhere cash.

To open the cash market,abercrombie outlet, expanding its "cash company" influence,woolrich online, day in the name of the name of the first to provide "financial advisory" services in the media for its "cash company" to advertise, and then wait for customers to come. To encourage employees to more "connected life", the cash Hui gang members "enterprise" management, not only to settle the monthly wages on time, but also based on the employee's credit card cash "performance", and more employees to cash amount paid the high end of the year award.


With 29 sets of POS machines three years nearly billion cash

After being arrested, Zhang told the police, he is currently a total of 29 sets of POS machines to carry cash card business,,hogan,, normally, these POS machines cash in the amount of at least four or five million a day, as many as a hundred thousand dollars. Police told reporters that because Hui began in 2009 since when the POS machine cash business, a rough calculation, the amount of the gang three years time might help people cash in nearly billion.

To verify Hui,louboutin pas cher, who help people taking exactly how much cash, at present,, Lixia police are on the case to dig deep, the amount of Hui, who help illegal cash is also being further verification. (Text suspects per capita pseudonym)