Theater called safeguard viewing results

Bought a ticket to see a movie, consumers Sharon was in wicket was stopped. Staff pointed to her being drunk half a bottle of drink that comes with the theater must not drink, you can register or thrown away. However, the movie theater next to their food and drinks for sale, but can be successfully brought consumers to buy. Looking at the sales rack and his hands exactly the same drinks,, Sharon really do not understand: why can buy into the theater,nike air max pas cher, buy their own will not do?

King appearance

Most allowed to bring their own drinks cinema

16:00 yesterday, the reporter came to the Capital Times Square underground cinema, in the wicket, the reporter consulted the staff can bring drinks to enter, get a reply can be registered, but not into. Staff also pointed to the large marquee on the screen that says: Cinema declined to bring their own food and beverage.

"Bring your own cups boiled water containing it?" "Sorry, I'm afraid not OK." Staff replied. Reporters saw the majority of people about to enter the theater to buy drinks at the cinema own selling points. However, beverage and food prices cinemas selling point is significantly higher than the supermarket shopping malls.

Reporters asked several random ticket buyers know this provision, whether to see theater reminder. A ticket said, reminding did not pay attention to see,hollister outlet, but has always been so, have become accustomed to. Another ticket buyers told reporters that can secretly put the bag with food and drink to go,hollister sale, so it will not be checked out.

Reporters consulted UME Huaxing theater,,hogan scrape,, SoShow, East Central, Wanda Plaza, and many theaters, have been told not allowed to bring their own food and drink has been implementing provisions.

The industry argument

Theater called safeguard viewing results

"We have to protect the viewing effect." According to a manager Huaxing double security Studios presentation,mulberry sale, watching movies is a collective behavior in public places, the ban comes with food and drink is an international practice, is to prevent the audience with a beep or smell of food into the theater,moncler sito ufficiale, to influence others to watch. Cinema sell their own drinks to avoid these problems.

Reporters saw,, not all theaters have declined to bring their own food and drinks. Some, such as the Youth Palace,, Daguanlou other relatively old theater this does not strictly limited. Insiders told reporters that the five-star high cost of the new theater, to recover the investment necessary to establish some additional spending, the sale price is slightly higher food and beverage is one of the means.

However, despite the theater "policies",, the audience "have countermeasures." Some viewers of the food and drinks into the theater to go on the bag,abercrombie france, it was in the theater was nibbling the seeds Ga bang sound. The audience suggested above board cinema tickets,jordan pas cher, which brought food into the theater sneaky feeling really bad. The cinema audience since refused to publicly held food into, but this did not control possession entrainment. Had people doubting: cinema take management when guise,,piumini woolrich, is to sell their food and drink.

Identification of Overlord

Determined in accordance with the terms of Overlord lack

Reporters yesterday to call the hotline 12315 Commerce and Industry Advisory theater declined own food and drinks are suspected of infringing the interests of consumers? Suspected King terms? Staff told reporters that at present there is no basis in law finds theater is King terms, if the cinema in advance tips, consumers have bought a ticket, you can identify some kind of agreement was reached between the cinema and consumers.

Reporters learned that,,woolrich sito ufficiale, in the past, consumers are allowed to bring their own theater prosecute cases of beverages,nike tn pas cher, food, since the lack of legal basis, consumers are mostly lost.

Newspaper reporter Fu Yang J004


Gregory is the theater reap Overlord

Head of China Consumer Association lawyers Qiu Baochang: theater does not allow the audience comes beverages fundamental reason is theater for their own economic interests. Theater audience than their own beverage sales also drink prices to be high, selling drinks,louboutin, food and it will become a part of theater revenue.

Years ago there was a theater audience is not allowed to prosecute its own drinks. Despite losing the final consumer, but the verdict in the case of a judge of the case to the full court also expressed different views on out. Think theater acts against the interests of consumers point of view is: the same comparison based on the price of food inside and outside the theater, cinema obtained profits far higher than the normal market profits, and therefore prohibited cinema comes aims to reap Gregory. The Court also recommended that cinema reduce food prices. Cinema was accepted the recommendations of the Court and the prices of some food halved.

Yang Bin D044