his wife accepted the reporter interview.

Rush over 200 meters, a figure close to finally another figure. After dwell for a moment, one of those knife down.

Fall, 33-year-old man was Bruce Lee; shot, 16-year-old Zhao Mingyang. The latter is an petitioners, while the former is a cross-sectional respondents.

This is October 9, 2009 occurred in Liaoning Fushun Li Shi Town Nango small tile village homicide case, is another "accident" urban demolition process arise.

Currently, the case has entered the prosecution stage. The reporter was informed that, as of yesterday, more than 1,500 people in the village, the signature of "murderer" Zhao Mingyang intercede to obtain lenient judge has reached more than 900 villagers.


The left is a golden sunflower fields, the right is a plant under construction. Zhao Mingyang car came in the middle of the team. The passengers, Liaoning big Nango village of Fushun Li Shih small tile town three women. In this lead by BMW jeep, mixed with large trucks and vans in the fleet, a total of more than 200 small tile villagers.

Zhao Mingyang, 16 years old. In June 2008, he graduated from junior high school Lee Stone Town station. In the eyes of the villagers, "even not long full beard." Villagers later recall, this is his first time in the village of "political event."

As planned, the villagers rushed to the town a few kilometers outside the Shih-Economic Development Zone Management Committee, reporting small tile whole village party secretary and village director Liu Yu Zang. The villagers believe that Zang and Liu both in land acquisition and demolition of "illegal occupation of 6.96 million yuan compensation."

When the village bumpy dirt road completed,http://www.sgjy169.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, the team was forced to a halt, standing in front of a dozen people, holding the sword, ho, standing in the middle of the highway. Next, a few licenses have been lifted car.

Zhao Junhua Zhao Mingyang's father drove a large truck rushed past. This car pull up to the villagers. Open the trunk board, the crowd flooded down.

Thereafter the plot development, the villagers in the spread of multiple versions. More unified version that came the other hand sword snapped: "You petition ass ah." Negotiations, the villagers Wang Yuan was broken head. The villagers surrounded them, the other fled, "one of them is slow to respond, also ran in the wrong direction. Clever people are open to the left of sunflowers to run, he is the only one who ran toward the right side of the site."

The site is closed, Zhao Mingyang eyeing this person. The 16-year-old boy first caught up. When other people arrived, the fighting has ended, the man has fall to the ground.

The rest of the highway retrievers staff, the majority through sunflower fields to escape. They did not have to run,doudoune moncler soldes, claiming they were hired driver, plus an understanding of the petition villagers who are safe.

Police said material, the body of the man lying on the ground Mito, which are located in the left arm, chest and abdomen. Among them, the fatal knife located in the chest, directly punctured lung and heart.

After receiving the report, police cars and ambulances have arrived, the man fell to the ground dead. Police inspect the bodies, there are sharp-eyed villagers saw this person back there is a Dragon Man.


October 9, 2009, the day of the incident in the afternoon, the dead man was identified. His name is Bruce Lee, who lives in Wanghua Fushun City District. Bring him to intercept petitioners villagers Xia Yue, Zhao Ying two people were arrested. Subsequently, the small tile whole village party secretary Yu Zang, the village director Liu was in custody.

A small village located in Liaoning Fushun tile City Economic Development Zone, located in the planned new town of Shen Fu. The village population of about 1,500, a total of about 3,000 acres of land. Small tile village to grow rice for a living, honest.

2009, Fushun decision: give the city the power of building Shen Fu Metro. In the local media reports, Shen Fu Metro is a Shenyang, Fushun these two neighboring cities common dream, carrying the northeast industrial revitalization of the great cause of advanced industrial equipment manufacturing base of the task. Future, there will be the formation of heavy equipment and parts industry, petrochemical industry, power equipment, coal mine safety equipment industry, the auto parts industry these four industrial clusters.

Grand, beautiful tiles reach the small village planning, changing the face of the small surrounding villages, transportation, but also to many who work in the small tile villagers' could not find the time to go home by the end of the road. " The subject of the exchange, the natural land.

Compensation for land-related, small tile villagers simply referred to as "ground", two "underground" section. They said the initial price of 40,000 yuan per mu relocation. Large-scale relocation began last year, the relocation compensation rose to 120,000 yuan per mu. Among them, the underground part of the $ 40,000, lease land owned by the original villagers all; aboveground $ 80,000, owned all the land currently leased party. Collective public land, but also the same calculation.

Small tile villagers contracted 30 years without moving field rations, ground conditions vary depending on each team, fluctuating between three acre to an acre of seven overall, a poll may take more than 10 10000-20 more than one million . In addition, the villagers also get a homestead compensation. Among them, according to their house in this area of ​​the replacement house, yard per square meter standard compensation of $ 400.

Compared with the previous farming, wage income, huge land relocation compensation, apparently villagers "can not ignore" a tremendous asset.

With the advent of great wealth, as well as obscure village contradictions. The villagers said that the relocation soon, party secretary Yu Zang full of cars from the Elantra replaced by Mercedes-Benz worth nearly 400,000 yuan, the village director Liu also booked a good car. On the other hand, the village children under the age of 12, due to the land contract did not catch the last, failed subdivision, and therefore can not receive compensation of $ 120,000 per acre field rations; in addition, the village public accounts is unclear, the villagers never see these bills; some individuals have not contracted collective land to the villagers, some fairly large amount of ridge land Tanabe was "sudden all kinds of contracts," planning to go, and the corresponding compensation is huge unaccounted for.

Such a message, in the village of mouth, fermentation.


During November 2009, Zhao Mingyang's uncle attended the party secretary Zhao Xianjun, director of the organization on behalf of the villagers village Jinzhou tour. He is one of a small village more than 30 watts of village representatives. The way, is called when the party secretary's room, Zhao Xianjun one on the other side refuses to come up with an agreement signed in advance back to the village, the villagers gather petition.

October 8, petitioners news coming out of the speaker through the village. Propaganda is Zhao Mingyang father and two villagers Tong Gang, who is seen as the main organizer of the petition the following day activities.

6 o'clock that evening, was home watching cartoons and mother Zhao Mingyang Zhang Xingsheng, was rushed into the house a few men with a knife Bizhu. say, the other side of the long knife to her neck, first ask where to go, and then warned her not to let him participate in the petition the next day. In the meantime, a man kept slapping her face knife. Zhang Xingsheng recalls, Zhao Mingyang initially scared silly, and one did not move. Woke up to God, the little body moving about,nike tn femme, he was scolded lived.

Zhang Xingsheng promise not to appeal. Few people live to see them, the rest are just two Tong villagers rushed home, just over the wall into the hospital after two Tong, who smashed the glass,http://longbai.info/longbai_info/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=4630999&extra=, and Tong's wife assaulted and injured.

9 o'clock that night, Zhao Junhua home after receiving phone alarm, and report the whole party secretary Yu Zang, the village director Ryu is the mastermind behind the second attack. Zhao Mingyang Sons police request to provide evidence, but they can not provide.

said: "We went to report tomorrow, he attacked the criminals requires us not to go tomorrow, this is not evidence of the petitioners do.?"

16-year-old Zhao Mingyang, nicknamed sheep. This nickname was originally converted from by his name, but now the villagers of the "sheep" is interpreted to be his character.

In June 2008,requin nike pas cher, Zhao Mingyang graduating from high school east of Taiwan. And those who failed to progress to high school students, he and several classmates went to work in a restaurant, wages 500 yuan; later, he and his mother, along with corn, seed beans; then later, his car and his father together.

16-year-old Zhao Mingyang very dark tan. He likes to bicker and mother. Really angry to see his mother, he would smiled, "I know you love angry, deliberately tease you play with."

Zhao Mingyang and parents have to discuss, after the demolition of money to hand,outlet ufficiale moncler, he intends to open a portion of a cafe, or open a small supermarket. He told the parents: "I want to take good care of the two of you life, marry a wife must be declared in advance, must marry a girl to take care of both of you."


Zhang Xingsheng said she had tried to dissuade his son not to participate in the next day's petition. She told his son, others large forces, but they provoke. She also said that when she persuaded his son when the usual pick loves mouth Zhao Mingyang not heard anything about this incident.

At that time no one knows, Zhao Mingyang has a fruit knife into his own car. This knife is the time and his father run transport in Chengdu spent 10 yuan to buy, usually used Cesi melon. The next day, this melon to be Bruce Lee's life.

Police material confirmed that the man killed Bruce Lee, is entrusted by a friend Yue Xia came to "flat thing." Inviting them to "flat things", is currently in custody the whole party secretary Yu Zang. Prosecution material, said Yu Zang small tile whole village party secretary in office during the petition to stop the villagers, indicating that Zhao Ying, Yue Xia find someone. Gao Peng Yue Xia mustered, Zhang Chengwen, Bruce Lee, more than 20 social idlers with a knife broke into Zhao Tong two, verbal abuse, beatings Zhao Tong et al. That night, when the whole dinner Zang Yu Yue Xia et al., In the next morning again instructed to intercept petitioners villagers.

Yue Xia, male, born in 1976, in 2000 due to trouble in a labor camp for one year in 2003 for intentional assault was sentenced to six years in prison, released from prison in September 2008. Zhao Ying, male, born in 1975, in January 2008 for intentional assault was sentenced to six months imprisonment, suspended for one year.

After the incident, the whole Zang Yu, Liu and Yue Xia and other people on suspicion of affray,woolrich spaccio, intentional injury and other charges police custody. Latest news, stop petitioners staff, only full Zang Yu Yue Xia, Zhao Ying, Zhang Chengwen, Gao Peng, five people indicted. The offense has been changed to "suspicion of illegal housebreaking."

With an indictment, Zhao Mingyang suspicion of intentional injury (causing death) crime, ranked first defendant; his uncle Zhao Xianjun suspected of the same offense, with the respondent, ranked second defendant.

Look forward

After the killings, the remaining small tile village relocation work has been basically stalled. Compensation for demolition, remains one of the secrets of the village obscure. Day of the killings occurred, some villagers insist petition. They said that the initial question, until today still no digestion.

Zhao Mingyang joint plea for villagers. More than 1,500 people in this village, the current number has reached more than 900 signatures. In their eyes, Zhao Mingyang this boy, "has not finished out of acne", "to help people all day oil costs do not even have to close", "parents are not allowed to play when they go out, they did not dare to stay out overnight."

Zhao Junhua Zhao Mingyang father fled after the incident, after the surrender is currently released on bail. In the detention center, he often stupidly, day to smoke three packs of cigarettes. He sometimes lament the fate of their unfair, in addition to this misfortune, he opened a large cargo Shihai out twice, "with a human life," the accident. First, the other full responsibility, but suffered a shock, repair,louboutin pas cher, also spent more than 10 million. Second, a home with relatives when loading the car accident, find manufacturers claim, the case has not even on the stand.

Zhao Mingyang afterwards threw the knife in the vicinity. Because the incident to help them find the knife, which his uncle, who was in custody. Zhao Mingyang mother Zhang Xingsheng has therefore been examined. Fortunately, because of poor health, his family did not dare tell her, but fortunately without incident. Currently, she is not easy. The families of the men killed by the courts to find her, asked her son for compensation. "The total cost is more than 130 million. At first asked us to pay half, and later want to 500,http://www.rockclimbing.com/cgi-bin/photos/page.cgi,000."

The diligent, hardy woman no longer have to worry about is their own land. She exhausted him, "wanted to give his son a fair deal." Like her, most of the villagers are no longer small tile intentions for their land. Some race on labor-less corn. Others, it will land idle.

Abnormal small tile village road bumps, speed of passing vehicles always a block of slowly crawling. When crossing the road in the quagmire of residues, leaving a Unit of black smoke. After the demolition of the news, the village has no one to raise road things. Some organizations are no longer petition, the former Za Boli those who did not come back. The villagers believe that one person out of the murder, "troll rogue cherish life afraid to come." Second, the employer did not, party secretary has been arrested.

Stay in the village, looking forward to the early arrival of the fair demolition. Party secretary Yu Zang a whole has not lived in the village. Before the incident, he did not live in this village. After the village director Ryu bail, also left the village. A villager said: "These people have the money, how to live here?"

Small tile village north east forward line, you can reach another name called Fushun Economic Development Zone Economic Development Zone High Bay. April 8 this year, six months after the killings Zhao Mingyang, a man named Yang, who pulled away in the demolition of his parents and brother, a knife stabbed demolition officials Wangguang Liang.

This is one of the recent news that the Liaodong hamlet word of mouth.

Prior to the incident, Zhao Mingyang raising a puppy. After being in custody, the puppy was handed his elderly grandparents to raise. Few teeth remaining elderly, feed the dog after inside back low and dilapidated old house, to accompany another grandson to see "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf." Zhao Mingyang disc is left. He likes to watch TV, especially like the cartoon, which was one of his favorite cartoon.

Elderly yard,tn requin femme, next to the demolition of the pit. Standing on the roof overlooking the crane can be seen everywhere, increasingly improving traffic accident can also see the piece of golden sunflowers, there are overgrown with weeds.

■ other side

Petitioners who Bruce Lee

October 9 last year, 33-year-old Bruce Lee for "petitioners" death.

June 11 this year, is "still loved justice," after careful consideration, Lee's parents, his wife accepted the reporter interview.

6 phone call to go

"That 5:00,moncler milano, there is a telephone. Then we checked the bill,http://www.ticovision.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi, to a total of six phone." Bruce Lee's wife,scarpe hogan donna prezzi, Zhao Juan (a pseudonym) said.

Bruce pinch a few phone calls. The rest of the phone, he told the phone side of the people, his stomach is not good, not to go. Finally, access to a car,scarpe hogan uomo outlet, feeling "Mabu Kai face,http://www.british1.co.uk/cgi-bin/search.cgi," Lee went anyway.

Bruce couple living in the old building Wanghua District, Tieling, Fushun Street housed in disrepair. This is his grandfather left behind. House little more than 40 square meters. Bruce Lee's father was usually working outside, came back to sleep in the living room.

After graduating from middle school,tiffany gioielli, Bruce Lee Grandpa's help in food stores. Lee said the mother, hit older people, ranging from greeting, Lee will Oils to go upstairs; later,http://www.cosmeticlive.com/forum/profile/kodfr77tgde, Bruce Lee and his mother in a factory floor loading, which is piecework, 7 cents per square meter. To do this live,http://coucou.co/blog/1652636/after-about-ten-minutes/, are a large majority of people. Bruce Young, to work very hard. This work, done well when seven or eight dollars a day income. This is around 1999, the income is fairly good.

Later, Lee and his mother opened a noodle shop for some time. His mother recalled: "dragons often advised me to say, Mom, you want to do business and gas wealth."

Noodle did not stick for long. Since then, Lee went to work on his father's site to do "work force", 50 yuan one day.

Some time before the incident, with Shen Fu new town development boom, Bruce Lee and some friends to start a thing demolition of building materials trading. What specifically do? Bruce Lee's parents and wife have said is not clear.

Not underworld tattoo

After the incident, Bruce Lee Dragon tattoo back, the villagers have a lot of speculation.

Bruce Lee's mother said at the time, saw the street girl tattoos, Bruce also want the text one, as to what the text pattern, he deliberately sought her advice. She says that her son is a dragon, also known as dragons, dragon then text it.

Bruce Lee's mother insisted that Lee is not a "mixed community" who usually do not stir up trouble, never criminal record. She said: "The tattoo is not necessarily the underworld do not believe, you go around and ask, you can also go to the police station to investigate.."

As part of the sentencing court evidence, counsel informed Wang Ling also like Bruce Lee in the past. He was among a number of departments Fushun police around, but has failed to get a "yes" or "no" affirmative reply.

Bruce Lee's mother also said that Bruce Lee like to do housework, love clean,http://www.vegeta.jp/cgi-bin/recipe/noahbbs.cgi, "a look exquisite clothes before going to bed every day, he would put his clothes thrown toss, hang up."

There is speculation that this love clean illnesses harm him. The incident that day, Lee does not Suida Liu run, perhaps too dirty ground sunflower.

After the incident, "Friends" does not appear

After the incident, relatives and friends have sent wreaths stacked in the entrance corridor. Under the wind and sun, writing has mottled. Wreaths terrified nearby children. After receiving the complaint, the neighborhood who come to do the work. Zhao Juan does not agree, she had to wait until the final results when things.

Bruce Lee's body has not cremated, his hall located in the home kitchen. Some former colleagues to visit Bruce Lee's parents, which makes them very happy.

"Those who wanted him to fight, and no one came to our house to pay homage too." Said this time, Bruce Lee's father lit a cigarette and sighed. Two of them were released on bail later, had asked the parents of Bruce Lee eaten a potluck. During the meeting, Lee's mother questioning them: "My son is in the end hit the night before without this thing, in the end know how much my son??" Two people are always not answered.

Litigation material shows accomplice testimony of Bruce Lee is one of the main attack on October 8 in the middle. Zhao Juan said: "He is dead, you say nothing now to confront the man."

When to see a reporter, Zhao Juan Bruce Lee departed remember very clearly the day,chaussures tn pas cher, 248 days! She says they have much money, but life is very happy. "Dragons are wrong, not to kill him ah!"

Two days later, she was to go back, and asked reporters not publish any news of her husband.

And homicide juvenile Zhao Mingyang, like Bruce Lee killed also like to watch TV. And Zhao Mingyang also like cartoons are not the same, most of the time looking at adult Bruce Lee, "the animal world."

October 9, 2009, around 16:00 that day, clothing salesman Zhao Juan was Bruce Lee's friends in the class called away. Police anatomy indoors, she saw dead bodies lover.

Edition pictures by our reporter Wang Yang Zhao Mingyang families